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Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Youth in the United States a Qualitative Systematic Review


Domestic small-scale sex trafficking (DMST) is the commercial sexual exploitation of a minor denizen within the United states of america. Previous inquiry suggests that traffickers use different tactics depending upon their established relationships with at-risk youth. The purpose of this qualitative content assay, therefore, is to explore the circumstances and command tactics associated with DMST victimization inside friend-type trafficking relationships. This analysis utilizes the archival case notes of 66 minors who were trafficked for sex by their friends in one country in the United States. Findings reveal that DMST victims trafficked by friends perceive that they take financial bureau, that their traffickers utilize command tactics against them, and that other women are involved in their exploitation. Recommendations emanating from this written report signal social workers towards prevention and practice strategies that take into account victims' specific experiences with trafficking entry and their barriers to exit.


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Twis, M.K., Kirschner, 50. & Greenwood, D. Trafficked by a Friend: A Qualitative Analysis of Adolescent Trafficking Victims' Archival Case Files. Child Adolesc Soc Piece of work J 38, 611–620 (2021).

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  • Qualitative content analysis
  • Commercial sexual exploitation of children
  • Commercial sexual exploitation of youth
  • Domestic minor sex trafficking
