How to Know if You Need Accutane

Photo: IMAXtree
The word 'Accutane' may conjure upwards images of acne-cursed teens, only adults well into their 20s and 30s are going on information technology. It's a pretty potent drug, and then we're getting all the of import questions answered for anyone who might be because going on it--similar me.
I've been plagued past breakouts pretty much my whole developed life--nothing cystic or marring, but simply plenty to be a hurting in the ass. Worse, I have breast and back breakouts besides. And so later on 10-plus years of going on and off different regimens, my medico--celebrated NYC dermatologist Dr. Bobby Buka--suggested peradventure it was fourth dimension to bring in the big guns.
"Accutane used to be a medication that we just used for nodule super-scarring patients," Dr. Buka tells me, "only at present we also use it on patients who are moderate that accept been on antibiotics or other medications and haven't gotten improve."
And it turns out information technology'due south not uncommon to prescribe the drug to patients well past their teens. I had a lot of questions virtually Accutane, and then I hopped on the phone with Dr. Buka to get all the info I needed. From busting common myths to mitigating the side effects, here'south everything y'all should know about Accutane if you're thinking about taking it.
(Oh, and P.South.: "Accutane" is a brand name that's no longer on the market--its pharmaceutical proper name is isotretinoin-- but since that's how most people know the drug, that's the name I'll be using.)
Who is an ideal candidate for Accutane? Dr. Buka puts patients on the drug who either have astringent, scarring acne or those, every bit mentioned, who oasis't had results with other handling combinations.
But more importantly than that, women who are considering going on the drug should not take whatever interest in getting pregnant while on the drug, because it can cause some serious birth defects. Before you get prescribed, yous have to fill out a agglomeration of paperwork, take two negative pregnancy tests, and use at least ii forms of nascency control--near commonly the pill and condoms--while using it.
For Dr. Buka, it all comes down to one thing: Responsibility. "A good candidate is someone who is chatty with me, compliant with getting the medication on time and doing lab work, and relating things dorsum to me," he says.
How does the drug work? The synthetic vitamin A found in Accutane does two things: one, it drops the bacteria count in the hair follicle, making it an "inhospitable" place to alive; two, it regularizes the keratinization of the follicle. In other words, "Accutane helps the steady menstruation of dead peel slough off the torso as opposed to being stuck in the follicle." Hence, fewer breakouts.
How long will I be on Accutane? Your fourth dimension on the drug is determined by a sort of math trouble which involves total dosage over time. Dr. Buka explains that his average patient spends four months on the drug, but that is dependent on how strong a dosage they can handle.
"Y'all can take a rowboat in that location with 20mg doses and get at that place in eight months, or you can accept a speedboat with 120mg and get at that place in 4," he offers every bit an illustration.
What kind of side furnishings can I expect? Most patients Dr. Buka sees experience harsh dryness, particularly effectually the lips and eyes. He warns that you'll need to stay hyper-vigilant nigh moisturizing, reapplying throughout the day. Attempt using Get-go-Aid Dazzler's Ultra Repair Cream and a lip balm like Burt's Bees or Aquaphor. And Dr. Buka says about one in twenty of his "really active" patients will notice joint pain, which goes away once treatment ends.
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Dr. Bobby Buka
He adds that--knock on wood--in the thousand-plus patients he'south treated, he personally has never seen whatsoever of the more serious side furnishings that they test for each month, which include liver inflammation, changing of blood cell counts (red or white), and an increase of fats in the blood.
In recent years, the drug has also received some negative press for increasing the likelihood of irritable bowel syndrome--but Dr. Buka says not to worry nearly it. "Simply six months ago they released a double bullheaded test and there was not a college incidence of IBS," he assures me.
Wait, doesn't Accutane brand you super depressed? Most studies, including all of the major ones, don't back up this common Accutane myth that emerged in the drug'south early on years--in fact, many show the reverse effect of patients feeling happier with their acne gone.
At that place is one small study which runs counter to these, and it's why Dr. Buka asks all his patients if they have a family history of depression. Nonetheless, he says the drug "doesn't cross the claret-brain bulwark," and so he doesn't feel that Accutane can cause or worsen mental illness.
Is there a time of year that'due south ameliorate to take the drug? "It'southward kind of similar, option your poison," Dr. Buka jokes. The dryness can be peculiarly unbearable during the cold months of winter, just increased sun sensitivity tin also put a damper on your summertime embankment plans.
Can I drinkable while on Accutane? One or 2 drinks is fine by Dr. Buka. "After that, nosotros but don't have plenty information to annotate," he cautions, "just the liver clears both alcohol and isotretinoin, so it would make me nervous."
Should I use anything else to mitigate breakouts while on Accutane? "The nice thing about Accutane is that information technology is one of our few monotherapies, so we don't want you lot to be on anything else," Dr. Buka says. That ways you can stop all the antibiotics (if you lot've been on any) and topicals. In terms of cleanser, you lot'll want to employ something gentle, like Cerave or Cetaphil.
"My platonic patient doesn't need anything after, and certainly not during," he summarized.
Will my acne come back? Dr. Buka says about one in every twenty volition need a second treatment, and some may need a balmy retinoid treatment after. But about make information technology through without whatever.
--- I'm now just over two months into handling and already I'm seeing great results and (and then far) none of the negative side effects. As mentioned, though, it is a really difficult drug to get--before I can fill up my monthly prescription, I have to get a claret test, a negative pregnancy test, take my doctor reply questions on the iPledge national database, respond a serial of questions most the importance of nascence control, and pick up my prescription inside seven days of my doctor visit or else I accept to beginning everything over. And I cannot schedule my side by side appointment until exactly 30 days after my last visit--which, considering I work full-fourth dimension, is a bit of a nuisance--and I've still got a means to go earlier it's over with.
It can do great things, but you definitely have to have this drug very seriously before considering an Accutane regimen for yourself.