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How Long Is a Maxi Cosi Car Seat Good for

When Do Maxi Cosi Car Seats Expire

Believe it or not, your child's car seat will expire!

This is not information readily shared by experienced parents with new parents since there are so many other child topics to discuss. While this may sound confusing, there is a logical reason why a car seat would expire.

You may be thinking, this is not a carton of milk so it shouldn't go bad, it's a seat in a car. Although the car seat may not go sour or get moldy, it only provides safety with regular use up to a specific point, then it must be replaced.

Within this article, we will provide complete information for the question "When do Maxi-Cosi car seats expire?", including what car seat expiration dates mean, why they expire, more information on Maxi Cosi car seats, and what you should do once the car seat expires. Keep reading to learn more about Maxi Cosi car seat expiration dates!

What Do Car Seat Expiration Dates Mean?

While there is no government mandate to provide an expiration date on car seats, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends expiration dates because of future regulation changes. Car seat manufacturers decide the expiration dates based on the anticipated life of their product. The consensus among producers is that car seats will last 8-to-12-years from the manufacturer date with regular use. It is important to remember that this date is not from the date of purchase because the seat could sit in a hot warehouse or on a cold store shelf for many months.

Since the NHTSA does not provide regulation that prohibits parents from using an expired seat and most states do not have similar laws, it is unlikely you would get into trouble for using an expired seat. However, most state car seat laws require parents to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Therefore, if you are using an expired seat, you are not following the manufacturer's instructions and it is technically illegal but a low-risk for police officers checking the date.

Why Do Car Seats Expire?

There are several explanations as to why car seats expire, and it's not just so the CEO of the brand can drive a new car every year. These important reasons include:

General Wear and Tear

A car seat is an item that succumbs to repeated daily use. You load and unload your child sometimes multiple times throughout the day which causes wear and tear on the seat. As time passes, the materials begin to degrade due to usage, and the sun, heat, cold, and general external weather, eventually rendering the seat unsafe to use.

Invisible Damage

Over the car seat's life cycle, it sustains invisible damage including internal pieces falling or breaking off and microfractures within the plastic that are not visible to the naked eye. Each of these issues heavily impacts the integrity and safety of the seat.

Obsolete Products

Similarly, as new seat technologies are implemented old products become discontinued, which makes it difficult to find replacement components. Most car seat manufacturers stop producing spare parts once the seat is retired.


Ideally, you register your new car seat immediately after purchase, so the manufacturer will inform you of product recalls. In the real world, you are likely up to your elbows in other newborn- or child-related activities and sleep-deprived so registering the car seat is at the bottom of your list. You may also be using an unexpired hand-me-down seat without a registration card.

Therefore, expiration dates ensure that if you miss a recall announcement, you will have an updated car seat that is likely to be free of issues.

Technology Improvements

As technology continues to improve, seat testing standards scale with it. A car seat manufactured 15 years ago was developed, produced, and tested with the knowledge of that time. Since then, car seat manufacturers have learned how to better protect children using the seat. This is with improved materials, better engineering, and more rigorous testing. Therefore, the car seat produced 15 years ago is now obsolete.


When a manufacturer tests its car seats, they don't assume you are cramming a 17-year-old in the seat and transporting them to the senior prom. Therefore, they don't test to see how the seat will fare after 17-years of use. Eve the all-in-one models, those that convert from the rear- to forward-facing to boosters, have age and weight limits with boosters usually ending by age 12. Therefore, car seats are never tested beyond 10-12 years of use, so they cannot claim to be safe after that time.

Maxi Cosi Expiration Dates & Where to Find Expiration Date On Maxi Cosi Car Seat

Maxi Cosi car seat expiration dates vary based on the specific model. With ranges from eight-to-12-years, most car seats have a sticker on the back with the manufacturing date. Therefore, to understand when the seat expires, check your user's manual to determine the lifespan.

Here is a table that includes Britax infant car seat expiration dates and owners manuals.

What to Do with Your Maxi-Cosi Car Seat When It Expires

When your Maxi Cosi car seat eventually expires, you have a few options:

Destroy it

Car seat technicians advise parents to destroy the expired car seat. This means cutting the straps and tearing out the padding before bringing it to a recycling center or discarding it in the trash.

Before bringing it to a recycling center, always check your local recycling guidelines specific to car seats. Some want just the frame while other centers may require it to be completely broken down. That means removing all metal pieces, fabric, straps, and padding, so materials are separated.

If the car seat cannot be recycled for some reason, you must follow similar guidelines when throwing it in the trash. This means removing all foam and padding, cutting away the straps, removing metal pieces, and marking the seat as "expired" or "unsafe" so nobody will attempt to reuse it.

This is also a great option for releasing some pent-up aggression in a safe environment. Don't worry, we won't tell.

Donate the Used Seat

Another option is to donate the used seat to the Salvation Army, Goodwill, church organizations, or your local child passenger safety technicians (CPSTs) so those who are less fortunate can benefit from the seat. If you itemize your taxes, you can request a receipt for all donated items, which are tax-deductible. CPSTs are the best option because they teach parents how to properly install car seats using donated old seats.

Purchase Another Maxi Cosi Car Seat

Once you have destroyed or donated your seat, you should purchase another Maxi Cosi car seat. As mentioned, car seat technology is constantly changing so your seat purchased eight years ago will not likely provide as much protection and durability as the latest car seat models.

Recycle at Big-Box Retailers

Many big-box retailers and baby stores offer car seat trade-in or recycling programs so call your local Target or Walmart to learn more about their policy. These old car seats are recycled and turned into various other products including construction materials, buckets, and pallets.

It is incredibly tempting to simply believe our car seat expiration date exists to further support the billion-dollar baby industry trying to squeeze you for every dime. In actuality, there are critical safety reasons behind following car seat expiration dates.

While this does not mean you cannot take your nephew's car seat once they outgrow it or reuse your first child's car seat for the second child a few years later, but it does mean there is a time frame where this product provides maximum safety for your child. Always check the seat's expiration date by viewing the label. On Cosi Maxi car seats, the label is usually on the back of the seat.

It is always recommended to also register your car seat with the manufacturer since it only takes a few minutes and will give you the most updated information on the seat, such as important recalls. Also, always carefully follow the installation instructions to ensure the seat remains safe throughout its life cycle. After all, your children are the most precious cargo your vehicle will always transport, so it is best to keep them safe!

How Long Is a Maxi Cosi Car Seat Good for
